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Удельная проводимость по отношению к плотности. Цена

Оценить эту запись
Графен не считаем -)
золото 2360
серебро 5950
медь 6520 6600-7400 USD/тонна
алюминий 13700 1700-1950 USD за тонну, скачут
эх жаль, дороже и горят -)
магний 13100 USD 2400-2800 сплавы до 7тысд
кальций 19200 3400-3800 провод и КМ никто не делал
литий 20200 $6400 / т вырос с 2000 до 7000,... ... УпД торгуют 98%-ным по 35 тыс руб за тонну

УпД: натрий еще круче :-)
размерность другая, правда http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electri...d_conductivity
Resistivity density products

In some applications where the weight of an item is very important resistivity density products are more important than absolute low resistivity – it is often possible to make the conductor thicker to make up for a higher resistivity; and then a low resistivity density product material (or equivalently a high conductance to density ratio) is desirable. For example, for long distanceoverhead power lines, aluminium is frequently used rather than copper because it is lighter for the same conductance.
Material Resistivity (nΩ·m) Density (g/cm3) Resistivity-density
product (nΩ·m·g/cm3)
Sodium натрий 47.7 0.97 46
Lithium литий 92.8 0.53 49
Calcium кальций 33.6 1.55 52
Potassium калий 72.0 0.89 64
Beryllium бериллий 35.6 1.85 66
Aluminium алюминий 26.50 2.70 72
Magnesium магний 43.90 1.74 76.3
Copper медь 16.78 8.96 150
Silver серебро 15.87 10.49 166
Gold золото 22.14 19.30 427
Iron железо 96.1 7.874 757
Silver, although it is the least resistive metal known, has a high density and does poorly by this measure. Calcium and the alkali metals have the best resistivity-density products, but are rarely used for conductors due to their high reactivity with water and oxygen. Aluminium is far more stable. Two other important attributes, price and toxicity, exclude the (otherwise) best choice: Beryllium. Thus, aluminium is usually the metal of choice when the weight of some required conduction (and/or the cost of conduction) is the driving consideration.

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